Stoughton Sex Crimes

Stoughton Sex Crimes lawyer

Learn about sex crimes in Stoughton, MA, including types of crimes, penalties, defenses, and why it’s a good idea to work with a sex crimes attorney

Over the past several years, sex crime arrest rates have been wildly increasing. It’s unclear what’s driving these increases in sex crime arrests, but it does have a lot to do with an increase in reporting, a shift in societal perceptions of sex crimes, and also a rise in false reports.

If you’ve ever been falsely accused of a sex crime, then it’s natural to assume that the truth (and therefore the law) will be on your side. This assumption is not only dangerous, but it could prove to be very costly if you wind up convicted of a sex crime here in Stoughton. The penalties will likely be hefty, and you could even wind up suffering life-long repercussions.

The only way to avoid the massive penalties associated with a sex crime conviction is to hire the very best sex crime defense attorney that you can afford. A quality Stoughton sex crimes lawyer can help you understand your exact charges, the legal consequences of a conviction, and any potential defenses you could use to prevent the worst.

In the very best situations, your Stoughton sex crimes attorney can help you secure the best possible legal outcome whether that’s a ‘not guilty’ ruling or reduced penalties. Learn more about how our firm can help you secure your best possible legal outcome below.

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Types of Sex Crimes in Massachusetts and the Penalties Associated With Them

The first thing your Stoughton sexual crime lawyer needs to do is help you understand exactly what you’re being charged with. Your specific charges are crucial in understanding how to move forward because they’ll dictate the potential consequences you could face and the defense strategies available to you. Below, we’ll go over some of the most common sex crime charges levied in Massachusetts.

MGL c.265, s.22: Rape

Under Massachusetts law, rape is one of the most serious sexual crimes a person can commit. Rape is defined as compelling one person to submit to sexual intercourse by force or the threat of bodily injury and against that person’s will.

A good sex lawyer will help you understand the gravity of your situation. If you’re convicted of rape, then you could face up to 20 years in prison. Further, if you’ve been convicted of a sex crime in the past or other aggravating factors are present in your situation, then there’s a chance you could face life in prison.

MGL c.265, s.14H: Indecent Assault and Battery

Under Massachusetts law, indecent assault and battery is defined as the intentional and unjustifiable touching of a person’s private areas. Under MGL c.265, this crime is defined as incidents that occur to citizens over 14-years-old. While certain body parts are always considered “private”, the context in which the touching occurred does make a difference. For the purposes of this law, the touching must have occurred without a legitimate reason and in a way that was “immodest, immoral, and improper.”

Getting convicted of this crime comes with a sentence of up to 2 ½ years in jail. If aggravating factors exist, then your charges could get upgraded to five years in prison.

MGL c.265, s. 13B-13B-3/4: Indecent Assault and Battery on a Child

While the above charges apply specifically to citizens over the age of 14, another section deals exclusively with the same actions but on minors under the age of 14. It carries a penalty of up to 2 ½ years in jail. If aggravating factors exist, then the sentence could get upgraded to up to 10 years in prison.

MGL c.272, s.16: Open and Gross Lewdness

Open and gross lewdness is defined by Massachusetts law as behavior in which the suspect exposed their genitals intentionally and openly with disregard for the risk of public exposure. Further, the actions must have been conducted in such a way as to elicit shock or alarm. What’s more, one or more witnesses must have felt alarmed or shocked by the actions.

The penalty associated with this crime is up to 3 years in prison.

MGL c.272, s.53: Indecent Exposure

Indecent exposure is one of the least severe sex crimes, but it still carries significant penalties. This crime occurs when someone exposes their genitalia intentionally and someone was offended by the ordeal. This crime carries a sentence of up to six months in jail.

If you need further clarification, then contact a lawyer. A Stoughton sexual crime attorney can help you further understand whether your actions constitute indecent exposure under the law.

Additional Consequences of a Sex Crime Conviction in Stoughton

Facing the criminal penalties associated with a sex crime conviction isn’t the end of your worries. As any good sex crime defense lawyer will tell you, a conviction carries a duty to register on a sex offender registry. This registry is public information, which means your sex crime conviction will soon become common knowledge. What’s more, you may be restricted in where you can live and work once you do serve out time in jail or prison. Even worse, you could end up being required to register on this list for life depending on the nature of your crime.

Potential Defenses to Sex Crime Charges

Considering the severity of sex crimes in Massachusetts, it’s in your best interests to consult with a sexual assault defense attorney about how to defend yourself. Here are a few of the most commonly used defense strategies in sex crime cases:

  • You didn’t commit the crime
  • Mutual consent (doesn’t apply when the victim is a minor)
  • There was a legitimate reason for touching the person in a private area (medical treatment for example)

While it’s not required to hire a sexual assault defense lawyer, attempting to represent yourself has its downsides. Learn more about why you should consider hiring a lawyer below.

Why You Should Hire a Sex Crime Defense Attorney

The best way to avoid the penalties outlined above is to hire the right sexual assault defense attorney to represent your case. Every sex crime situation is different, so a good sexual assault defense lawyer will take the time to consider the circumstances surrounding your arrest, the details of your alleged crime, the evidence against you, and the legal defenses available to you.

From there, the right Stoughton sexual crime attorney will help you decide your best legal course of action. A good sex lawyer could be the difference between your freedom and serving a lengthy jail or prison sentence.

Are You Ready to Hire a Stoughton Sex Crimes Attorney?

The right Stoughton sexual crime lawyer for you won’t leave you questioning what comes next or how to defend yourself against potentially life-altering criminal charges. The right Stoughton sex crimes lawyer will instead make sure that you’re confident and informed about the exact charges you’re facing. Your lawyer will go over the potential penalties you could face and the defense strategies that are available to you.

What’s more, the best sex crime defense lawyer will go over your legal options with you. Every criminal case is different, so what’s best for your case won’t necessarily be what’s best for another person accused of the same crime.

Let our firm help you find the best possible legal solution to your predicament. Reach out now to discuss your charges in more detail with one of our expert defense attorneys.

Stoughton Criminal Defense Lawyer