Our clients come from all backgrounds and demographics and need a criminal defense attorney for various reasons.  We have helped fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, wives, husbands and minor children.

We have helped professionals whose jobs were at stake and high school students who were trying to get into college.

Our clients and their reasons for hiring us are all unique, but they do have one thing common — all our clients’ matter to us and so does their future.

Attorney Gerald J. Noonan founded The Noonan Defense Firm after serving the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for many years as an Assistant District Attorney. Throughout his prosecutorial career, Attorney Noonan argued and tried hundreds of criminal cases including homicide, attempted murder, arson, rape, armed robbery, drug crimes, driving under the influence and cases involving many other serious criminal offenses.

As a criminal defense attorney, Gerald J. Noonan has over 340 successful criminal trials. Attorney Noonan knows the legal strategies and tactics both law enforcement and district attorneys use when trying to get criminal convictions. He has criminal trial experience on both sides of a criminal case, which is invaluable when you are looking for an attorney to represent you.

Our law firm represents and defends individuals arrested and charged with felonies and misdemeanors, federal crimes, juvenile crimes, and can assist with expungement of criminal records (record sealing.)  To learn more about how we have helped others, we invite you to browse or case results below, and read our CLIENT REVIEWS.

The following are case results for some of the many clients we have helped throughout our criminal defense career.

Commonwealth v. A.W. – West Roxbury District Court


Boston Police responded to a domestic disturbance in which the alleged victim reported that her boyfriend (Defendant) had punched her in the face and that he had possession of two firearms and a rifle. The alleged victim stated that the Defendant suffers from depression and had been drinking heavily all day. The alleged victim stated that the Defendant threatened her by saying, “If you don’t get out of the house I am going to shoot you” and the Defendant then punched her in the face. She then ran out of the house and called 911. Attorney Gerald J. Noonan successfully dismissed the case and sealed the criminal charge from his client’s record. This was a considerable victory given that the Defendant had no prior criminal record. He was educated in England and worked in the financial industry for years. The Defendant was seeking new employment in the financial field and the presence of the Assault and Battery charge on his record would have seriously prejudiced him getting hired.

Result: Attorney Gerald J. Noonan gets domestic violence charge dismissed outright and permanently sealed against financial advisor.

Commonwealth v. K.C. – Cambridge District Court


Client, a scientist on a work visa, was apprehended by the Loss Prevention Department at Shaw’s in the parking lot for shoplifting approximately $160 worth of merchandise. Client retained Attorney Patrick J. Noonan who negotiated with the Loss Prevention Department not to file any criminal charges against his client.

Result: No charges were filed against the Defendant, which would have had possible immigration consequences because the client was on a work visa.

Commonwealth v. D.K. – Brockton District Court


Client, 33 year-old machine operator, was charged with Leaving the Scene of an Accident Causing Property Damage stemming from a hit and run incident. An off-duty detective observed the Defendant’s vehicle rear-end another vehicle at an intersection and then flee the scene. The off-duty detective pursued and apprehended the Defendant. Defendant admitted to fleeing the scene. The damage to the other vehicle amounted to $4,000.

Result: Attorney Patrick J. Noonan obtains an outright dismissal of the criminal charge at the first court date.

Commonwealth v. W.M. – Brockton District Court


Client, 23 year-old man with no criminal record was arrested and charged with Shoplifting at Walmart. Client admitted to police that he stole the merchandise and surveillance video footage captured the client leaving the store without paying for the merchandise. At the Clerk-Magistrate’s Hearing, Attorney Patrick J. Noonan convinced the Magistrate to dismiss the criminal complaint. Client will be applying to the Mass. School of Art in the Fall (2014) and he aspires to be a cartoonist.

Result: Attorney Patrick J. Noonan persuades court not to issue a criminal complaint, and client may report on his school application that he has no criminal record.

Commonwealth v. L.G. – Wrentham District Court


Client, 23 year-old college student with no criminal record, was detained by the Loss Prevention Department at Walmart for suspected Shoplifting. Client retained Attorney Patrick J. Noonan who successfully dismissed the criminal complaint at the Clerk-Magistrate’s Hearing on April 1, 2014. Client is scheduled to graduate from college in the Fall of 2014 with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice.

Result: Attorney Patrick J. Noonan persuades court not to issue a criminal complaint, and client may report on her job applications that she has no criminal record.

Commonwealth v. J.P. – Taunton District Court


Client, 57-year-old teacher’s aide, was arrested and charged with Larceny over $250 (felony) in connection with an alleged incident in which she exited Home Goods with a shopping carriage with $667.00 worth of merchandise without paying. After the client was arraigned on the felony offense, she retained Attorney Patrick J. Noonan. At the first court date, Attorney Patrick J. Noonan obtained an agreement with the Commonwealth that his client will be placed on Pretrial Probation for 5 months until 09/01/14 at which point the felony charge will be dismissed. On September 1, 2014, the criminal charge was dismissed.

Result: Attorney Patrick J. Noonan permanently seals criminal charge on school teacher’s record.

Commonwealth v. C.P. – Roxbury District Court


Client, 21 year-old college student, was observed by Boston Police urinating on the Fenway Park in front of hundreds of people who were exiting the Jay-Z / Justin Timberlake concert. Officers heard pedestrians saying, “Ew, look at that. He’s peeing.” Officers observed the Defendant step away from the fence and expose his private parts to other pedestrians. Officers ordered the Defendant to stop but he took off running and was eventually apprehended. Attorney Gerald J. Noonan was successful in dismissing the criminal charges prior to his client’s arraignment and these embarrassing and serious charges will not appear on his permanent record.

Result: Attorney Gerald J. Noonan gets felony sex offense dismissed prior to arraignment saving his client from having a felony sex offense on his record.

Commonwealth v. R.A. – Brockton District Court


Client, 23 year-old construction worker, with 25 prior encounters with West Bridgewater Police was arrested and charged with Assault & Battery and Witness Intimidation. The alleged victim in that case was in a dating relationship with the Defendant. She alleged that the Defendant threw her down a flight of stairs, pushed, shoved, and beat her on numerous occasions. The alleged victim claimed that the Defendant strangled her. On March 26, 2014, Defendant was scheduled for a pretrial conference on his open case. That morning, Defendant’s father called 911 and reported that Defendant hit him in the face and was punching holes in the wall. Defendant was arrested and charged with Assault & Battery upon his father. At arraignment, Commonwealth moved to revoke the Defendant’s bail because he committed a new offense and his release, the Commonwealth argued, would seriously endanger a person or the community.

Result: Attorney Patrick J. Noonan saves his client from serving 90 days in jail.

Commonwealth v. C.O. – Fitchburg Juvenile Court


Client, a juvenile honor student at Leominster High School, was arrested and charged with Shoplifting in connection with an incident in which he allegedly stole items from the cafeteria at the Wachusett Ski Mountain. Client is a senior honor student at Leominster High School and in the process of applying to colleges in the Boston area.

Result: Attorney Patrick J. Noonan persuades government to dismiss the case prior to arraignment and client may report No Record on college applications.

Commonwealth v. J.L. – Attleboro District Court


Client, 47-year-old medical assistant with no prior criminal record, was arrested for uttering false prescription (felony) and forgery of a document (felony). Defendant was alleged to have filled large amounts of prescriptions for Percocet in other people’s names. Defendant confessed to police stating that she took blank prescription slips from her doctor and forged the prescriptions. Attorney Patrick J. Noonan filed a Motion Requesting Assignment to a Drug Treatment Facility pursuant to Chapter 111E. Attorney Patrick J. Noonan successfully moved the court to have his client placed into an outpatient drug treatment facility in lieu of criminal prosecution. Client successfully completed the drug treatment program.

Result: Attorney Patrick J. Noonan obtains outright dismissal of felony charges.

Call Today! 508-588-0422 or e-mail us to schedule your free consultation.

Massachusetts Criminal Defense Trial Lawyers

The Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan has been representing defendants against criminal charges throughout southeastern Massachusetts for more than three decades.