Commonwealth v. F.T. – Quincy District Court


Randolph Police responded to the hospital for a reported rape. The patient claimed that she had been raped two days ago by a person she knew from her apartment building but she didn’t provide police with his name. She stated that the Defendant called her and convinced her to come to this apartment where he threw her onto his bed, grabbed her wrist, undid her pants, and vaginally raped her. During the rape, she had been screaming “No, No, No!” and kicking her legs. She was able to turn around onto her stomach at which time the Defendant raped her from behind. She stated that he then moved his mouth onto her vagina. He then shoved his penis into her face and told her to “suck it.” The victim showed police fresh bruises. A rape kit was performed at the hospital. 19 days after the alleged rape, the victim gave police the name of the perpetrator. Defendant vehemently denied the allegations.

Result: On February 13, 2009, the Commonwealth entered a Nolle Prosequi, which means that the indictment is withdrawn – meaning that if circumstances change, a prosecution could be initiated again.