Collapsing Balcony, Porch, Deck Accident
Collapsing Balcony, Porch, Deck Accident
Premises Liability Lawyers – Massachusetts
Homes, condominiums, apartments, bars, and restaurants usually have some sort of porch, deck or balcony built onto the property or building. These structures create space for homeowners, patrons, guests, and tenants to sit outside or gather with friends and family. Decks, porches and balconies that are poorly built, maintained or designed present a serious risk of death or injury, whether it is a small or large porch or balcony on the ground or third floor of a triple-decker multifamily home.
Property Owner Duties to Maintain
The property owners, home owners and business owners have a duty to make sure their porches are safe for use. Porches, balconies and decks are heavy structures that usually don’t have foundations. Most of these structures are built on wooden posts or are affixed to the side of a building and as a result can only support so much weight. As a result a large group of people gathering for a birthday party or a barbecue may cause the structure to collapse causing serious injuries.
Deck, porch and balcony collapsing accidents have many causes :
- Too many people;
- Too much furniture (deck chairs and tables);
- Too many appliances (grill, hot tub or kiddy pool);
- Too much snow and ice;
- Rotten wood posts or railings;
- Loose or rusted fasteners, bolts or rails (galvanized steel should be used to prevent rusting);
- Poor design; and
- Faulty repairs.
Discuss Your Accident Case Involving Owner Negligence For Free With an Experienced Boston Premises Liability Lawyer
A negligent property owner that exposes someone to such hazardous conditions should be the one that has to pay for the medical bills and pain and suffering endured because of his lack of care. Attorney Noonan firmly believes this and he will zealously pursue your interests.
For decades The Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan has been helping clients throughout Massachusetts secure fair financial compensation for injuries by holding the negligent property owners responsible for the unsafe property conditions they expose the public to. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case in complete confidence.
Serving the Greater Boston Area and all of Southeastern Massachusetts.