Biceps Tendon Tear At The Shoulder

Biceps Tendon Tear At The Shoulder

Hingham Car Accident Victim And Personal Injury Attorneys

Shoulder Injury Bicep Tears and BursitisThe biceps muscle and tendon are located at the front upper arm. The biceps helps stabilize the shoulder and allows the arm to bend at the elbow.

The shoulder is comprised of three main bones. The humerus (upper arm bone), Scapula (shoulder blade) and Clavicle (collar bone) all merge to form a ball-and-socket joint. The end of the humerus (also known as the humeral head) meets with the scapula. The scapula in turn joins with the clavicle. These three bones are connected by ligaments.

The socket is called the glenoid. The shoulder joint’s socket is very shallow and therefore unstable. The glenoid is the part of the shoulder blade (scapula) that makes up the socket. The labrum (glenoid labrum) is a layer of tissue/cartilage that lines the shoulder socket. The labrum stabilizes the ball-and-socket shoulder joint by keeping the ball (humeral head) in the socket (scapula).

Shoulder muscles are connected to these bones by tendons. Tendons provide additional stability and the muscles allow the shoulder to move and rotate. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that provide this stability and facilitate movement.

The top of the bicep muscle consists of two tendons, both of which connect to the shoulder. The biceps tendon known as the long head connects to the glenoid, or shoulder socket, while the short head tendon attaches to the bottom part of the shoulder blade. A bicep tendon tear at the shoulder occurs when either the long head of the biceps tendon or the short head of the biceps tendon sustains a tear.

The long and short head bicep tendons can sustain partial tears or complete tears. Partial tears are also know as partial thickness tears or frays. These tears do not completely tear the tendon in two. Complete tears are also known as full thickness tears. Full thickness tears rip the tendon into two pieces disconnecting the biceps from the shoulder.

Symptoms Of A Torn Biceps Tendon

  • Immediate, sharp, shooting pain in the upper arm;
  • Loud popping sound;
  • Using arm causes cramping;
  • Swelling and bruising running from the upper arm down toward the elbow;
  • Pain and swelling at the shoulder the elbow;
  • Weakness in the shoulder and the elbow;
  • pain or inability to turn the arm palm up or palm down.

You Don’t Have To Fight Insurance Companies On Your Own — Our Lawyers Can Help You Get Fair Compensation

A seasoned trial lawyer, Attorney Noonan also represents plaintiffs in personal injury cases, wrongful death actions, and serious accidents.  He will aggressively seek to obtain a fair settlement for you for your injuries, but when insurance companies won’t settle, his law office has the experience and resources to take your case to trial.

To schedule your free consultation with The Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan use our online contact form, or call us at (508) 588-0422.

The following are other common shoulder injuries and conditions that can occur as a result of an accident. Our attorneys can assist you in pursuing an accident claim for any of the following shoulder related injuries: