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Brockton Eye Injury Lawyers
Experienced representation when accidents cause eye injuries in Massachusetts
The eyes are one of the most delicate organs in the human body. They are very sensitive and susceptible to injury. Eye injuries can result from blunt trauma from a vehicle accident due to broken glass or debris. Chemical trauma in the form of dangerous chemical gases produced by airbag explosions or harmful chemical substances found in everyday household cleaners can also cause eye injuries. At The Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan, we work to hold drivers, manufacturers, and others accountable for the injuries they cause. Our Brockton eye injury lawyers work with ophthalmologists and other eye specialists to show just how traumatic your injuries are. We demand full compensation for all our financial damages, including medical expenses and non-economic damages, as well as your pain and suffering.
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How we can help
- What types of accidents cause eye injuries in Brockton?
- What factors are indicative of an eye injury?
- What types of eye injuries do you handle in Brockton?
- How are eye injuries diagnosed in Brockton?
- What are the treatments for eye injuries?
- How much is my eye injury claim worth in Massachusetts?
- Do you have an eye injury lawyer near me in Brockton, Massachusetts?
What types of accidents cause eye injuries in Brockton?
Some of the accidents that can cause eye injuries include:
- Vehicle accidents. The glass from the windshield, the metal from the parts of the car, and flying debris can fly right into a passenger’s eye. Airbag explosions can release dangerous chemicals, and the impact of an exploding airbag can also cause eye injuries.
- Medical malpractice. Doctors may be liable when medical malpractice during cataract procedures, LASIK, cosmetic procedures, and other eye surgeries cause harm instead of improving your vision.
- Workplace injuries. Many workers in construction, manufacturing, and other industries routinely risk foreign objects entering their eyes. That’s why most workers in these industries wear goggles and other protective eye gear. Other causes of workplace eye injuries include exposure to chemicals, exposure to radiation, and blunt force trauma.
Other causes of eye injuries include:
- Sports injuries
- Household work
- Falls
- Acts of violence, such as when negligent security measures fail and lead to attacks on the property of others.
What factors are indicative of an eye injury?
Some of the signs and symptoms of an eye injury include:
- Pain and swelling. Some factors to consider are whether you have a stinging or burning sensation or if there’s more pain when you’re in the light. Swelling indicates that there is tissue damage. The swelling may be around the eye or in the white part of the eye.
- Bleeding. There are different types of bleeding conditions.
- Changes in vision. Symptoms include floating black spots, flashes of light, and shadows. Other symptoms include blurry vision or double vision.
- Changes in appearance. Possible signs include the crossing of one eye, or a pupil may seem larger or smaller than usual. An eyelid may twitch or droop. One eye may have difficulty moving.
- Foreign bodies. If the object doesn’t come out with tears, you’ll need medical attention.
Other signs of trauma include leaking fluids and burns.
Eye injuries are generally very painful because your eye has a lot of nerves.
What types of eye injuries do you handle in Brockton?
According to the Cleveland Clinic, eye injuries due to accidents generally involve the following:
- Blunt eye trauma. A forceful impact can cause a bone around the eye to break (an orbital fracture). A blowout fracture occurs when the muscles that support your eye suffer damage or are trapped between bone fragments. If the trauma affects the eyeball, the eyeball can “dislocate, detach, tear or break structures inside of your eye (globe contusion or globe rupture).”
- Penetrating injuries. This type of eye injury involves a sharp object puncturing the eye or when a “high-speed projectile goes into your eye.” Objects that can cause penetrating injuries include sharp tools, fish hooks, and paintball guns. A specialist will likely need to remove the object.
Other types of eye injuries include:
- Orbital fracture
- Torn and detached retina
- Globe rupture
- Corneal abrasion
- Traumatic hyphema
- Eyelid trauma
- Traumatic iritis
- Loss of eye/vision Loss
- Hemorrhages (Vitreous, retinal, subconjunctival)
How are eye injuries diagnosed in Brockton?
Our Brockton eye injury lawyers work with eye doctors who have the skill and experience to diagnose what type of injury you have and what treatments you need. Normally, your ophthalmologist will ask you questions about how the eye injury happened and conduct a thorough eye examination. The examination, according to the Cleveland Clinic, will:
- Look for signs of trauma
- Assess your vision
- Examine the tissue around the eyes for bruises, swelling, bleeding, or wounds
- Look to see if you have a foreign object in your eye
- Examine how well your pupils contract and how well your eyes move
- Use special equipment to look inside your eye
- Order diagnostic tests, including X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasound exams
What are the treatments for eye injuries?
The treatments vary depending on the location of the eye injury and the type of eye injury. Home care, according to the Cleveland Clinic, generally involves using a cold compress, eye drops, pain relief, and an eye patch.
You should seek medical care at an emergency center of a hospital or an urgent care center as soon as possible. Delays may result in irreversible eye damage.
According to Vision Center, the treatments for severe blunt trauma eye injuries include:
- “Steroid eye drops to reduce inflammation
- Glaucoma eye drops to reduce intraocular pressure
- Antiemetics or anti-nausea medication
- Antibiotic ointments
- Surgery”
Victims will need follow-up eye examinations and bed rest. Vision Center recommends not using aspirin and ibuprofen because they can increase the amount of bleeding.
Possible complications of blunt eye trauma include:
- “Globe rupture (bursting of the outer membrane of the eye)
- Retrobulbar hematoma (blood congestion in the soft tissue behind the eyeball)”
- Detachment of the retina
- Orbital fractures
- Bleeding in front of the eye
- Bleeding back of the eye
- Foreign objects in the eye
- Damage to the optical nerves
- Corneal abrasions
- Cataracts
- Loss of vision
- Blurry vision
- Double vision
- Eye pain
- Cosmetic damage
How much is my eye injury claim worth in Massachusetts?
At the Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan, we demand compensation in personal injury cases from the responsible defendants from all your current and future:
- Loss of vision, which can affect your ability to do any type of work
- Medical expenses to maximize your sight and cope with your eye injuries
- Lost income, including having a permanent disability
- Pain and suffering, including the trauma of not being able to fully see
- Scarring and disfigurement
- Loss of consortium
- Property damage
On behalf of employees who suffer eye injuries at work, we seek payment of your medical expenses and temporary and permanent disability benefits.
We’ve helped many accident victims like you obtain strong settlements and verdicts.
Do you have an eye injury lawyer near me in Brockton, Massachusetts?
Yes. Our office is located at 555 Pleasant Street, Brockton, MA 02301. Our personal injury lawyers discuss cases by phone and through online consultations. If your vision prevents you from coming to our office, we can make alternative arrangements.
We’re ready to answer your questions and help you understand each phase of the claims process.
Talk with our Brockton eye injury lawyers today
If an accident is the cause of your eye injury, The Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan is ready to help you. Our Brockton personal injury lawyers have more than 35 years of legal experience representing accident victims who have suffered serious injuries in southeastern Massachusetts. We’re prepared to fight to restore your future. Call us or contact us to schedule a free consultation. We handle eye injury cases on a contingency fee basis.