Broken Fractured Kneecap / Patella Injuries

About Broken Fractured Kneecap / Patella Injuries

Brockton Personal Injury And Accident Victims Attorneys

The patella, or kneecap, is one of three bones that form the knee joint. The kneecap is located over the knee joint where the femur and tibia meet. The patella protects the knee joint and also connects the thighbone muscles to the shinbone muscles which allow the leg to straighten at the knee joint.1% of all fractures are patella fractures. Patella fractures are most common in people ages 20 to 30. Men suffer twice as many patella fractures than women.

Most patella fractures occur when the knee sustains a direct blow like when the knee slams directly into the steering column or dashboard during a car accident. Pain and swelling in the front of the knee are the usual symptoms of fractured kneecap. Other symptoms include:

  • Bruising, Swelling
  • Inability to straighten the leg at the knee
  • Inability or difficulty walking

Skin bruising, cuts, swelling and hematomas often accompany this type of trauma. In the case of a hematoma, the doctor will usually drain the fluid buildup that forms the hematoma in an effort to reduce the swelling. Most times a broken kneecap will require a trip to the hospital were a Ct-scan or X-ray will be administered in order to determine the extent of the injury. X-rays are better for diagnosing fractures. The amount of healing time depends on the extent of the injury. Surgery can be avoided if the fracture is minor. A fracture is considered minor in nature if the bones haven’t been displaced. This is usually the case if the patient can straighten and lift the leg. If the fracture is minor then the knee will need to be immobilized with a cast or brace. In cases of serious fractures, surgery to realign the bone might be called for. A fracture is considered major in nature if the bones have been displaced. This is usually the case if the patient cannot do a straight leg lift. If this is the case than pins and screws will be inserted in order the realign the bone and joint. Other times the entire kneecap might have to be removed and replaced with an artificial knee cap.

Brockton Personal Injury Lawyers, Serving All of SE Massachusetts

Free, No-Obligation Legal Consultation

For over thirty years our attorneys have been helping accident victims secure the compensation they are entitled to. Our firm has settled hundreds of insurance injury claims over the last few years. Our firm offers a free consultation with no obligations. If you or a loved one has sustained a fractured or broken bone as the result of a slip and fall accident or a car, truck or motorcycle accident call us today at (508) 588-0422 to schedule a free, no-obligation legal consultation.