Forearm Fracture (Ulna and Radius Bone)
Forearm Fracture (Ulna and Radius Bone)
Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys
It might feel like there is only one bone in the forearm but there is two. The ulna and radius bones make up the forearm. The ulna and radius bones start at the wrist and run all the way up to the elbow. Both bones combine at the wrist to make the wrist joint and both extend to the elbow to form the elbow joint.
The forearm is made up of four parts:
- The Ulna Bone is the forearm bone located on the same side of the arm as the pinky finger.
- The Radius Bone is the forearm bone located on the same side of the arm as the thumb.
- The wrist joint is located at the point where the ulna and radius bones connect with the bones in the hand.
- The elbow joint is located at the point where the ulna and radius bone connect with the upper arm bone or humerus
There are several types of forearm fractures:
- Radial Shaft Fracture: This fracture occurs when only the middle of the radius bone breaks. It is very rare to only sustain a radial shaft fracture. Typically, the ulna shaft also fractures when there is a radial shaft fracture.
- Ulna Shaft Fracture: This fracture typically occurs when someone falls and lands on their forearm. The ulna bone is on the outside half of the forearm. This bone gets hit frequently because it is on the outside of the arm.
- Double Forearm Shaft Fracture: Surgery is likely required if the radial shaft and ulna shaft are fractured at the same time. Each bone relies on the other to stabilize the forearm. If both bones are fractured then the forearm cannot stabilize. The bones cannot set and heal if the forearm cannot stabilize.
- Proximal Radial Head Fracture: This fracture occurs when the radial head connecting to the elbow sustains a fracture. This fracture is also a type of elbow fracture.
- Distal Radial head Fracture: This fracture occurs when the radial head at the wrist fractures. This is a very common injury. This fracture is also a type of wrist fracture.
- Olecranon Fracture (Elbow): The olecranon is the part of the elbow. The olecranon is a part of the ulna bone.
Schedule Your Free Consultation With An Experienced Brockton Personal Injury and Accident Victims Lawyer
Serving The Greater Boston Area And All Of Southeast Massachusetts
For over thirty years our attorneys have been helping accident victims secure the compensation they are entitle to. Our firm has settled hundreds of insurance injury claims over the last few years. Our firm takes cases on a contingency fee basis. This means there is no cost to you unless we get you compensation for your accident. If you or a loved one has sustained a fractured or broken bone as the result of a slip and fall accident or a car, truck or motorcycle accident call us today at (508) 588-0422 to schedule a free, no-obligation legal consultation.
More Information About Injuries To The Arm And Elbow
- Arm Fractures
- Humerus Shaft Fractures
- Proximal Humerus Fracture At The Shoulder
- Olecranon Fracture (Elbow)
- Distal Humerus Fracture At The Elbow
- Proximal Radial Head Fracture At The Elbow
Our Boston Forearm Fracture Injury Lawyer assists accident victims throughout all of Massachusetts including but not limited to Boston, Brockton, Quincy, Taunton, Fall River, New Bedford, Cambridge, Somerville, Medford, Lawrence, Lynn, Revere, Dorchester, Roxbury, Cape Cod, Hyannis, Falmouth, Barnstable.