Massachusetts Drivers License Suspension and Surcharges
Massachusetts Drivers License Suspension and Surcharges
Boston Motor Vehicle Offense Attorney
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The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles will suspend someone’s driver’s license for a variety of reasons. The following are only a few reasons:
- Five Surcharges: A driver that has 5 civil vehicle citations or 5 surcharges within a three year period will have to undergo traffic school or they will face a license suspension. Surcharges are accessed when a motorist is involved in an accident where they are more than 50 percent at fault and also when they are written a citation.
- 7 Surcharges: 7 surcharges within a three year span will result in a suspended license for 60 days. The driver has no recourse for this suspension.
- 12 Surcharges and the Habitual Traffic Offender: 12 surchargable events within 5 years will classify the driver as a habitual offender and will result in a loss of license for 4 years.
- Criminal Vehicle Offenses: Anyone who has 3 criminal vehicle offenses will be deemed a habitual offender and will lose their driver’s license for 4 years. The following are some examples of criminal motor vehicle offense: OUI conviction, refusing to take the breath test, leaving the scene of personal injury or property damage, negligent operation, driving on a suspended or revoked license, failure to stop when instructed by police.
Every license revocation and suspension is different from any other and each case has its own set of unique circumstances. If your license has been suspended or revoked because of too many moving vehicle citations you should call an experienced drivers license suspension attorney. Our lawyers are available to meet and speak with you 7 days a week. Give us a call today to schedule a free consultation.
Charged with Driving On A Suspended License? Talk With An Experienced Taunton Motor Vehicle Offense Attorney For Free
Regardless of why your driver license was initially suspended, if you are caught driving without a valid license you are facing the possibility of criminal charges that could have a lasting impact on your driving privileges, be subject to stiff fines, and even be facing jail time. Our lawyers will aggressively seek to get you the best possible outcome and fight any charges levied against you.
No matter where you are located, we are just a phone call away. Call The Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan to schedule a free no-obligation case review and consultation at (508) 588-0422 and you will have taken your first step to find out how best to confront this important matter. You can also click here to use our Free Case Evaluation Form.