Who is at fault in a right turn accident?
Being involved in any type of car accident can be overwhelming, especially if you have been injured. Mounting medical bills, lost time at work, and having to deal with the insurance company can become overwhelming. Being involved in a right turn accident, however, can make things even more complex.
Right Turn Accident Who’s At Fault?
When it comes to a right turn accident, it is almost always the fault of the person who turned right. A person that is making a right-hand turn must be able to gauge the distance between themselves and oncoming traffic. Even if the vehicle that you have an accident with was speeding, it is still the responsibility of the driver making the turn.
Massachusettes Is A No-Fault State
Who is at fault in a right turn accident is not as big of a deal in Massachusetts as it may be in other states because they are a No-Fault state. This means that the Personal Injury Protection (PIP) part of their insurance policy will cover the costs associated with the accident for the driver up to the limits of the policy.
You will most likely need a car accident attorney to assist you with this claim because insurance companies can make it difficult to claim benefits under PIP for a right turn event.
What About A Truck Wide Right Turn Accident Fault
Commercial truck accidents are always complex issues. When it comes to applying fault for a right turn event, it will always be the fault of the driver making the turn, even if they are in a commercial vehicle.
However, because a commercial vehicle is involved, there are other issues that must come into play when evaluating the accident. If the truck accident caused injuries during the accident, the injury victims would need to claim against the trucking company for compensation. If the driver of the truck is injured, it will most likely fall under workers’ compensation if he is a company driver or his own insurance if he is an independent driver.
Anyone that has been involved in a truck-related accident should contact a truck accident attorney as soon as possible to protect their rights as an injury victim.
How To Win A Right Turn Accident Claim
The steps that you take after an accident can have an impact on your compensation claim. If you have been involved in a reight-hand collision, you are encouraged to do the following:
Take Pictures Of The Scene
If you are able to, take pictures of the scene and gather information from any witnesses. However, do not place yourself in harm. If you are injured, stay put until help arrives.
Notify Emergency Service
You will need a police report to make an insurance claim. Notify the police if you need an ambulance or if you are going to drive yourself to the emergency room. It is very beneficial for the police to note that there were injuries on the police report.
Seek Medical Care
Even if you feel your injuries are minor, make sure that you are examined by a medical professional. Many injuries may seem minor at the accident scene because your adrenaline is running high. However, once you begin to calm down, you may find out that you are in pain and that the headache you have may not all be from stress.
Notify Insurance Company of Accident
You will need to notify your insurance company about the accident so that they can begin to cover your medical care immediately. However, you are encouraged to only provide them with the time and date of the accident and that you are seeking medical care. YOu can politely request that you give a complete statement after you have spoken with an attorney. Regardless of how much they push for that statement, you have the right to wait.
Contact A Car Accident Lawyer
Protect yourself and your right to make a compensation claim by contacting a personal injury attorney about your accident. Even if you are believed to be the at-fault driver, you still have rights under your PIP insurance policy.
At The Law Offices Of Gerald J. Noonan, we have over 30 years of experience handling car accident cases. Speak with one of our attorneys today and discover how we can help you with your car accident injury claim.