Teen Driver Car Accident Stats in Massachusetts

Many teenagers eagerly await the day they get their driver’s license, but not all teen drivers are aware of the responsibility holding a driver’s license entails. Many teen drivers don’t take safe driving seriously, whether caused by inexperience, overexcitement, or a feeling of invincibility. In many cases, this can lead to serious accidents that injure teenage drivers and others.

At The Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan, we wanted to offer some facts on teen driver accidents to encourage teens to develop safe driving habits. If you want to know more about teen driving accidents and how a Massachusetts car accident lawyer can help if you’ve been injured in a crash, keep reading.

How Many Accidents Are Caused by Teenage Drivers Each Year in Massachusetts?

According to information from the state government, an average of two (2) Massachusetts drivers aged 16-17 die in accidents each year. The state also reports roughly 25 hospitalizations and 860 ER visits related to nonfatal crashes among drivers aged 16-17 each year. Finally, the state adds that drivers ages 18-20 are now hospitalized for crashes at higher rates than drivers ages 16-17. This increase is primarily due to changes in Massachusetts’ graduated driver’s license laws, which means more drivers are now first getting their license at age 18 or older.

Teenage Drivers Car Accident Statistics in the U.S.

Here are a few facts about teenage driving accidents across the U.S. and what causes them:

  •  In 2019, about 2,400 teenagers died in car accidents, while another 258,00 teens were treated in emergency departments for crash-related injuries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  •  The CDC also reports that, per mile driven, drivers aged 16-19 are three times as likely to be involved in fatal nighttime crashes than drivers aged 30-59. This indicates that nighttime driving is a frequent cause of car accidents involving teen drivers.
  •  Not using seat belts is a major cause of injuries and fatalities among teen drivers. The CDC says about 87 percent of drivers aged 16-24 consistently wear their seat belts, while about 90 percent of drivers 25 and older wear their seat belts.
  •  Distracted driving is another major cause of teen driver crashes. According to the CDC, a 2019 survey found that about 39 percent of high school-age drivers nationwide had texted or used their email while driving in the past 30 days.
  •  Substance abuse is another sadly common cause of teen driver crashes. Information from the CDC says that among U.S. high school students who drive, one survey showed 5.4 percent of drivers had been drinking and driving at least once in the past 30 days.

Talk to a Teenage Driving Car Accident Attorney in Brockton, MA, Today

Whether your teen driver was injured in a collision through no fault of their own or if a reckless teen driver injured you, the first call you make should be to an experienced Brockton car accident lawyer. For more than three decades, the attorneys at The Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan have provided top-notch representation to those who’ve been hurt in Massachusetts. To find out how we could help you, contact us by phone or online for a free initial consultation.