Long-Term Effects of a Brain Bleed

Long-Term Effects of a Brain BleedIf you have been involved in an accident that resulted in a brain bleed, you’re likely aware of the potentially life-threatening consequences of these serious injuries. According to the National Institute of Health, between 40,000 and 67,000 people in the United States suffer intracranial hemorrhages each year, and the effects of these injuries can vary significantly from case to case.

While no two injuries are alike, there are certain documented effects of brain bleeds that victims of these hemorrhages must learn to navigate following injury incidents. Let’s dive into some of these long-term effects and discuss some of the options available to those who have experienced a brain bleed as the result of negligence.

What is a brain bleed?

The broad medical term for a brain bleed is an intracranial hemorrhage, which refers to any bleeding that occurs within the “intracranial vault,” including within the brain tissue itself and in the surrounding meningeal cavity. These injuries can be extremely dangerous, and recent estimates suggest the mortality rate for individuals who experience certain types of brain bleeds can spike as high as 52% within the first 30 days following an injury.

There are a few different types of brain bleeds that fall under the umbrella of intracranial hemorrhages. Some brain bleeds occur within the skull itself, while others take place within the actual brain tissue. With respect to the types of brain bleeds that happen within the skull, some further sub-types can include:

  • Epidural hematomas: These are brain bleeds that occur between the skull and the outermost membrane of the brain, the dura mater
  • Subdural hematomas: These are brain bleeds that happen between the dura mater and the arachnoid mater, which is the middle layer of the membrane
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhages: These brain bleeds take place between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater, which is the layer of membrane closest to the brain

The other types of brain bleeds that take place within a person’s actual brain tissue are:

  • Intracerebral hemorrhages: These brain bleeds take place anywhere within the tissue of the brain itself, including within the lobes and cerebellum
  • Intraventricular hemorrhages: This type of bleeding occurs within open cavities, or ventricles, within the brain

Any and all of these brain bleeds can result in long-lasting consequences for those who endure them.

What causes a brain bleed?

Brain bleeds often occur as the result of severe head trauma, which can happen due to blunt force, as well as due to falls, vehicle accidents and sports injuries. These are not the only common causes of brain bleeds, however. There are many medical conditions that can lead to patients suffering brain hemorrhages, such as blood clots, atherosclerosis, aneurysms, tumors and more.

If a brain bleed occurs as the result of negligence, it can lead to a personal injury lawsuit or, in particularly tragic cases, wrongful death suits. For example, imagine someone falling in a shop because of slippery floors or broken stairs. That person strikes their head, resulting in a brain bleed. In this case, the owner of that property may be liable because of the dangerous conditions that resulted in this severe injury.

What is the long-term impact of a brain bleed?

Brain bleeds are tragic and dangerous injuries for both patients and their families. Here are just a few of the long-term effects associated with brain hemorrhages:

Physical consequences

When considering the effects of a brain bleed, many people think primarily about the physical toll these injuries take. The sad reality is that the majority of patients who experience brain bleeds struggle to ever regain full health and wellness in the months following their injuries. Physical side effects can range in severity from headaches and dizziness to paralysis and motor function impairment. Experiencing a brain bleed can also increase a patient’s risk of future brain injuries and strokes.

Cognitive and psychological effects

In addition to the physical health conditions described above, many people struggle with cognitive side effects following a brain injury or hemorrhage. Some patients struggle with memory loss or find they have a difficult time concentrating. Others develop mental health conditions as a result of their injuries, such as anxiety and depression. Patients recovering from brain bleeds may also present with changes in their mood and personality, which can be a source of additional discomfort for themselves and their loved ones.

Financial and lifestyle impacts

Patients recovering from brain bleeds often find their daily lives are significantly disrupted. Some patients incur hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical debt as a result of their injury and subsequent recovery efforts. Many patients need long-term care and support in the form of physical or occupational therapy, mental health counseling and other rehabilitation services. Cost of long-term medical care, therapy, and rehabilitation. All of these efforts can come with hefty price tags and are not always readily accessible to individuals who find their ability to work has been compromised by their injuries. These increased support needs can also place strain on family and caregivers, resulting in changes to household dynamics and interpersonal relationships.

  • Lost wages and reduced earning potential.
  • Increased burden on caregivers and family members.

What happens when a brain bleed is caused by negligence?

If it can be established that a brain bleed occurred directly due to the actions or inactions of a negligent person or party, the injured person may have legal recourse to seek compensatory and other damages. In Massachusetts, accident victims or family members of the deceased in wrongful death claims must file their case within 3 years.

Final thoughts

A brain bleed can be a life-altering injury for victims and loved ones from all walks of life. If you or a loved one has experienced one of these serious injuries as the result of negligence, it is vital that you secure an experienced partner to help you navigate the legal process and maximize your potential reward. At the Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan, we are dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible outcome for your case so you can focus on what matters most – your recovery. Give us a call or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with one of our lawyers. We would love the opportunity to support you on your journey.