The Dangers of Road Rage

Recently, a 22-year-old man and his family came under gunfire after a road rage incident led to his truck tire being shot. The incident occurred when the family was headed to lunch. The victim of the incident stated that, on the way to the restaurant, a driver in a Lexus IS 300 drove alongside his…

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All About Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is one of the most serious threats to driver and passenger safety on Massachusetts roadways. Whether speeding, ignoring road hazards or other drivers, or simply driving in an aggressive manner with the intent to intimidate, reckless drivers cause substantial injuries to those unfortunate drivers who find themselves sharing the road. What exactly is…

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The Hazards of Tanker Truck Accidents

Any type of truck accident poses a substantial hazard to everyone sharing the road with the truck driver. Tanker trucks, however, pose unique hazards. Often, tanker trucks carry hazardous liquids and chemicals. If the tank cracks, it can spill those chemicals over the road, impacting victims in the accident, as well as individuals responsible for rescue and cleanup.…

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The Aftermath of Truck Rollover Accidents

Rollover truck accidents can cause serious injuries to vehicle occupants. Not only do occupants suffer exposure to a high degree of force, crumpling metal, and cracked windshields in a rollover, they may suffer injuries as loose items in the car fly around uncontrolled. When big trucks lose control and suffer rollovers, on the other hand, it can cause even…

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How to Choose a Brain Injury Lawyer

Take These Three Important Steps After a traumatic brain injury, your life will change, often in permanent and unexpected ways. You may experience personality changes, difficulty remembering things, or processing difficulties alongside changes in sensory perception and difficulty with emotional regulation—in short, a long list of symptoms that leave you frustrated. Not only that, the cost…

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Five Massachusetts Daycare Companies

In today’s society of two-parent incomes, it seems like daycares necessary for parents across the nation. Indeed, the National Center for Education Statistics reports that an estimated 13 million children are enrolled in daycare in America. When a parent leaves a child at a daycare facility, they expect their child will be kept safe. Because…

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Getting a Workers’ Compensation Settlement for a Back Injury

In Massachusetts and throughout the United States, the construction industry is a major employer. Unfortunately, the industry is also a major source of workers’ compensation claims, as construction sites contain many hazards. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) notes that, nationally, about 20 percent of worker deaths occur amongst workers employed in the construction industry, and…

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