Taunton Firearms Lawyer
Taunton Firearms Lawyer
Taunton Gun Charges Attorneys
Did you know that Massachusetts has one of the lowest gun ownership rates in the entire country? With only about 14.7% of residents owning weapons, you’d think that gun crime wouldn’t be that big of an issue, but that’s not the case.
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Arrests for firearm offenses in Massachusetts are on the rise, and there are a few reasons why. For one, gun sales are increasing in the state. For another, more firearm laws are getting created, which means more arrests are occurring.
If you’ve been arrested for a weapons-related charge, then it’s important to secure an experienced Taunton firearm lawyer as soon as you can. Your lawyer will help you understand your charges, the potential penalties associated with them, and how to defend yourself. Learn more about how our firm can help you traverse your firearms charge situation below.
Taunton Gun Laws You Should Know About
First and foremost, you need to understand what you were charged with. In some situations, you may only be facing a firearm-related charge, but in other cases it might be an additional charge or an “aggravated” charge as a result of having a firearm while committing a different crime. Learn more about the gun laws here in Taunton below.
Firearm Registration: Is it Necessary?
When you first obtain your firearm, you may need to register it depending on how and where you purchased it. Firearm registration is not a legal requirement, but firearm transfers from are recorded with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. If you sell the weapon in state, then you’ll record the transaction. If the buyer is out of state, then they will need to record the transaction.
Open Carry Laws
You can openly carry your firearm in Massachusetts if you seek out and get approved for a license. You can get charged with a crime, however, if you are stopped by police who ask you to produce your permit and you can’t do so.
Concealed Carry Laws
Massachusetts is a “shall issue” state, which means citizens who are over 21 years old can seek out a concealed carry license.
Assault Weapon Laws
Assault weapon laws are complicated in Massachusetts. The state uses a two point “banned features” system, which means it’s illegal to purchase a firearm that has two or more banned features.
Red Flag Laws
Massachusetts does have red flag laws in place. These laws have caused a lot of controversy, but it is important to understand that they’re rarely used in the state. These laws allow any citizen to file a confidential report against a citizen who is licensed to possess or carry a weapon and is at risk for hurting themselves or others.
When a report gets filed, police respond by temporarily taking away the firearms and allowing the accused person the right to a hearing, where their situation will be further analyzed by the courts.
If you have a red flag report filed against you, then do not attempt to fight off the police officers who respond. You could get charged with a crime if you refuse a police and court order.
Consequences of Taunton Firearm Offenses
If you’ve been convicted of Taunton firearm offenses, then you’ll likely endure a host of consequences. First of all, you could serve time in jail and get ordered to pay specific fines. Even once you serve out this sentence, you may wind up on a lengthy probation term, too. What’s more, you’ll might also suffer other consequences, like a civil lawsuit and personal and professional repercussions.
How a Firearm Might Increase Your Sentence in ANY Criminal Situation
Did you commit a totally separate crime while possessing a firearm? If so, then it’s important to understand how the firearm could impact your sentence. In almost every situation, a firearm will increase your potential sentence. Your charges could get upgraded. For instance, if you’re accused of assault but you also had a weapon, then you could get charged with aggravated assault instead.
Felony Taunton Gun Charges and Future Firearm Possession
If the charges you are facing are felony offenses, then it’s important to understand how that could impact your future. Felony convictions mean that you’ll automatically lose certain rights. One of those rights is the right to possess firearms. After a felony conviction, you could get charged with a crime if you’re ever caught owning or possessing a weapon in the future. What’s more, you won’t be eligible to vote, serve on a jury, or run for public office.
How a Taunton Gun Lawyer Can Help You if You’re Facing Weapons Charges
One way to avoid losing your rights and enduring serious criminal penalties is to avoid a conviction altogether. Considering the severity of your situation, it makes sense to hire a quality lawyer who can help you achieve that goal. A good lawyer will talk to you to learn more about your situation. From there, they’ll consider the circumstances of your arrest, the evidence against you, and potential defense strategies that make sense in your case.
Even if you know that you’ve committed the crime you’re accused of, it’s still worth it to invest in legal representation. A good lawyer can help you minimize the potential penalties you endure. For instance, depending on what happened, you might be able to drop the “aggravated” or “firearm” addition to your original crime. If you do so, then you might go from facing felony charges to a misdemeanor crime. This distinction is important because it significantly reduces your potential sentence.
If you can afford an attorney, then that’s your best option. If you cannot afford to hire attorney, then don’t make the mistake of attempting to represent yourself. Consider using your right to state-appointed representation.
Are You Looking to Hire a Taunton Firearm Lawyer?
If you’re facing Taunton gun charges, then it’s important for you to recognize the gravity of your situation. Depending on the severity of your charges, a conviction could mean that you won’t be eligible to legally possess a firearm unless your crime is later expunged.
While your situation might look bleak, it’s not hopeless. Hiring a Taunton gun lawyer can help you achieve the best possible legal outcome, whether that be avoiding a conviction or minimizing your criminal consequences.
Are you ready to get in touch with a lawyer who can help? Contact us now!