Commonwealth v. D.S. – Brockton District Court
Brockton police were dispatched to the Good Samaritan Hospital for a domestic violence call. Upon arrival, the alleged victim reported to the police that the Defendant had grabbed her arm leaving bruises and finger imprints on her bicep and triceps areas. The Defendant continued arguing with the alleged victim throughout the home. The Defendant pushed the alleged victim into the closet door. Police observed damage to the closet door, which had been knocked off its tracks. The argument escalated into the basement where the defendant pushed the alleged victim over an end-table. Police photographs the injuries to the alleged victim, which included bruises and lacerations to the arms, neck, chest, and back. The alleged victim tried calling the police but the Defendant took the phone away and destroyed it. It took the alleged victim approximately 30 minutes to get away from the Defendant in order to contact the police.
Result: Attorney Gerald J. Noonan gets serious domestic violence charges dismissed.