Broken / Fractured Ankle Injuries
About Broken / Fractured Ankle Injuries
Massachusetts Personal Injury And Accident Attorneys
Broken or fractured ankles are most commonly caused by the kind of trauma suffered in a car, truck, motorcycle or slip and fall accident. Over the last thirty years the attorneys at The Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan have represented many clients that have suffered ankle injuries due to the careless or negligent actions of someone else.
The ankle primarily consists of three bones: the tibia, talus, and fibula. More specifically, the ankle is made up of the following parts:
- Medial malleolus is the inside part of the tibia;
- Posterior malleolus is the backside of the tibia;
- Lateral malleolus is the bottom of the fibula.
The bottom of the tibia and fibula come together to form the ankle which connects to the ligaments, tendons and bones in the foot. The tibia and fibula can break if the ankle is severely twisted. The ankle is comprised of three bones. The type of ankle fracture depends on which of the ankle’s many bones have been broken. Several bones can be injured in the same accident. Ankle fractures can involve all three ankle bones and the several ankle joints. Damage to the connecting tissues, ligaments and muscles occurs in conjunction with ankle fracture injuries.
Ankle Fracture Symptoms
Ankle fracture symptoms can include:
- Immediate mild to severe throbbing pain;
- Tenderness to the touch;
- Swelling and or discoloration;
- Inability to put bear any weight on the ankle;
- Total numbness of the foot;
- Inability to twist or turn the ankle.
Treatment Of An Ankle Fracture
An X-ray, CT scan, or MRI is the best way to diagnose the nature and extent of any ankle injury. R.I.C.E or Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevation should always be done regardless of the type of ankle injury. If the injury is mild all that might be needed is RICE and some sort of stabilization like a hit-top sneaker, air cast or ace bandage. In cases of severe injuries surgical installation of bolts and or screws might be needed.
Schedule Your Free Consultation With An Experienced Brockton Personal Injury and Accident Victim Lawyer
Serving The Greater Boston Area And All Of Southeast Massachusetts
For over thirty years our attorneys have been helping accident victims secure the compensation they are entitle to. Our firm has settled hundreds of insurance injury claims over the last few years. Our firm takes cases on a contingency fee basis. This means there is no cost to you unless we get you compensation for your accident. If you or a loved one has sustained a fractured or broken bone as the result of a slip and fall waccident or a car, truck or motorcycle accident call us today at (508) 588-0422 to schedule a free, no-obligation legal consultation.