Broken / Fractured Femur Injuries

About Broken / Fractured Femur Injuries

Greater Boston Area Accident Victim And Personal Injury Attorneys

The femur, or thighbone, is the biggest bone in the human body. Because it is the biggest it is also the strongest. A tremendous amount of force is requirement for the femur bone to fracture. That is why these bones rarely break. High impact car accidents or falls on a hard surface from high above the ground are capable of generating enough force to break the human body’s strongest bone. People that have diseased bones or fragile bones caused by osteoporosis are more prone to experiencing femur fractures. 3 out of every 10,000 people under the age of 25 will experience a femur fracture every year while 3 out of every 10,000 people over the age of 65 will experience a fracture every year.

Proximal Femur Fracture or Hip Fractures

Hip fractures involve the upper-most portion of the femur, or thighbone. The top of the femur joins with the pelvis to form the hip bone. When top part of the femur breaks it results in a broken hip. Most hip fractures occur in elderly people. However, it is a very common injury. No other broken bone results in more hospitalizations than hip fracture. Hip fractures hospitalize roughly 300,000 annually. Depending on the severity of the fracture, damage to surrounding bones, soft tissue, nerves, blood vessels may result.

Femoral Shaft Fractures

Fractures that occur away from the top and bottom ends of the femur bone are known as femoral shaft fractures. If properly treated recovery usually takes three to twelve months. Longer recovery times are required if the fracture damages surrounding bones, soft tissue, nerves, blood vessels. If the fracture is serious it may requires surgery. If that is the case then a metal rob will be surgically inserted into the thigh bone and secured by screws which helps stabilize the bone. Treatments for less serious femoral shaft fractures require a cast or brace and the support of crutches.

Supracondylar Femur Fractures

These fractures occur on the part of the femur right above the knee joint. These injuries are very rare. People that suffer this kind of fracture will likely develop arthritis in their knee later in life. People with osteoporosis or that have undergone knee replacement surgery are most likely to fracture the supracondylar femur. High-force impacts can also cause this fracture in people that are perfectly healthy.

Schedule Your Free Consultation With An Experienced Personal Injury and Accident Victims Lawyer

Serving The Greater Boston Area And All Of Southeast Massachusetts

For over thirty years our attorneys have been helping accident victims secure the compensation they are entitled to. Our firm has settled hundreds of insurance injury claims over the last few years. Our firm offers a free consultation with no obligations. If you or a loved one has sustained a fractured or broken bone as the result of a slip and fall accident or a car, truck or motorcycle accident call us today at (508) 588-0422 to schedule a free, no-obligation legal consultation.