Accidents Caused By Malfunctioning Electronic Doors

Accidents Caused By Malfunctioning Electronic Doors

Greater Boston Area Premises Liability Attorneys

Malls, supermarkets, convenient stores, movie theaters, department stores, airports, and many other types of businesses and buildings have automatic doors. Automatic electronically operated doors benefit both consumers and business owners. These automatic doors help businesses maintain suitable temperatures inside their stores by minimizing the amount of time the doors remain open. These doors keep the cold air out of the store during the winter months and prevent the cool air-conditioned air from escaping the building during the summer months. These doors also allow business owners to maximize the amount of foot traffic coming in and out of their store.

Customers also benefit.  Most customers take these doors for granted but they alleviate customers from the burden of manually opening doors when they are exiting the store pushing carts or carrying heavy shopping bags or when holding onto children and babies.

However, automatic doors, like all electronic devices, are prone to malfunctioning. These doors get a lot of use — some open and close hundreds or even thousands of times a day. Most are banged by heavy shopping carts as customers make their way in and out of the store. This general wear and tear exacts a heavy toll on the doors and can cause them to malfunction. These malfunctions can cause the doors to close too fast or close unexpectedly without warning. As a result customers can suffer injuries if they are hit or sandwiched by powerful electronic doors that close too fast or unexpectedly.

Electronic doors have a limited lifetime. As a result these doors must be inspected and serviced regularly and have to be replaced after so many years. If a store owner fails to have someone regularly inspect or maintain the doors, or hires someone who negligently maintains or inspects the doors and a customer gets injured, then the business can be held liable for a customer’s injuries.

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Serving all of SE Massachusetts including Brockton, Boston, Bridgewater, Taunton and surrounding areas.

Throughout the South Shore and all of Massachusetts, our premises liability attorneys at The Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan have helped countless clients recover settlements for injuries caused by negligent business owners. Our attorneys aggressively pursue the parties responsible for our client’s injuries and don’t rest until we get our clients financial compensation for past and future medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering.